If my maid was educated she would not have stayed any longer with the man who beat her up. If my maid's mother-in-law was educated she would not have instigated her son to beat his wife and if the mother would have educated his son, then he would have never raised his hand on his wife. I then asked my maid to enroll herself into an adult education programme, which she did but later failed to follow it through. She did not go to the police to complain about her husband and mother-in-law just because she will have no where else to go other than to her village where there is immense poverty and drunkard father. So unless there is a will to empower oneself with education no one in this world can force education on you.
So you see education is such a vital part of our lives, which we take for granted, especially when we were kids. I would want every parent to educate their children about the importance of a good education, and I would do the same with my children. Apt to this is a saying by an anonymous author: "When asked how much educated men were superior to those uneducated, Aristotle answered, 'As much as the living are to the dead.'"