Have you ever wondered about the unemployment problem worldwide? If not you can consider it now. I have walked into so many government offices, state and central and find it is crowded with old people at the desks. Since government jobs are safe and lucrative many oldies want to stick to them till they practically die of old age. Look at our politicians half of them can't walk properly, half of them are suffering with heart ailments or other health problems and all of them simply can't or don't want to work for the people but themselves. If this is what India's future is then God help us.
I say reduce the retirment age for everyone even politicians to 50, why should not there be a maximum age in politics? This will give chance to young, dynamic and educated lot. May be coming up with an oldies forum where they can still be active in guiding the younger generation on politics, be guest lecturers at colleges and simply help new politicians to campaign will keep them busy. It is sad to see many politicians are in this field to just earn money and stay put, don't allow anybody else to come and are responsible for corruption and beauracracy.
But change is happening but on a very slow pace. We now see young politicians who seem to be determined to work for the people (like our constitution says) and think the modern way. This has encouraged and will encourage more youth to come forward and do some quality work without bothering about making money for themselves. I just hope the election results all over the country would see some new and young faces especially for the PM's post.